Convert USD to EUR

We track your pipeline in 150 currencies

1.000 USD = 0.000 EURLast updated

Grow your services no matter the currency

We got you!

First Contact
ACME corp
5/31/2024 95,423.13 $
Steve Parker llc
6/30/2024 174,525.19 €
Silicon GMBH
5/31/2024 n/a $

Deals in USD, EUR and 148 other currencies

We track your deals as they progress through your pipeline no matter the currency. Make better decisions about the deal size or quality and the cash flow you can expect.

Making decisions in a business can be overwhelming. SVAL is your sparing partner.

We know you could do it alone. Together we can do it faster and easier.

Keeping track is getting difficult
Not every business can afford it
Keep it simple

About SVAL

How can we help?

SVAL offers a comprehensive tool to run your businesses financial decisions. Track your sales efforts, time spent delivering and evaluate your cash flow.

  • Built with a georgous UI that will make it a pleasure to work
  • Reasonably priced packing multiple products into one
  • Built by a small team cheering you on